No tuition fees will be charged except for part-time further education courses.
- The student services fee from summer semester 2025 will be €82
Module handbooks are the guide to all modules of each undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme. They contain information on prerequisites, contents, learning outcomes, ECTS credit points, duration, work load, literature, references, lecturers of the offered modules and lectures.
The study regulations and the curriculum describe the framework and regulations for a proper study at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. On the basis of the study regulations, students can plan their studies and create timetables for each semester. The legal framework is regulated in the corresponding examination regulations.
Please note: Only the original German document(s) shall be legally binding. The English translation serves information purposes only
You can find your lecture schedule at You only need your university account to log in.
Through this platform you can configure your personal lecture schedule and find out on a daily basis if there are any changes or cancellations to your lectures.
From 1 January 2025 on DIT students can use the German public transport system for 38€ per month.
DIT students can buy the discounted Deutschlandticket via the NETINERA-Tickets app.
Here's how it works:
The Bavarian discount ticket is a fully-fledged Germany ticket. It is valid nationwide on all means of public transport, i.e. buses, trams, underground trains, suburban trains and regional trains.
As long as you study at DIT, your ticket is automatically renewed.
Cancellation must take place by the 10th of the previous month.
You can find more information directly at Netinera: Netinera Tickets - reduced ticket
The following guidelines apply to all faculties and are intended to support you in successfully writing your thesis: Thesis guideline
Primuss instructions for registering your thesis.
You can find information on final bachelor and master theses in the relevant faculty:
You can register and submit your thesis directly via the Primuss Portal.
You can find more information and the upload fields in the Primuss Portal under Registration/Submission of Thesis.
Short description of the process:
1. Students enter the registration in Primuss and generate the registration form as a PDF from it.
2. The PDF must be signed by the student and then uploaded back into the portal.
3. The examiners do not have to sign, they receive an email and can confirm the registration digitally.
4. The study centre automatically checks the registration and then sets it to "approved" (please be patient here, this step does not happen immediately after uploading. The registration date is taken from the signed PDF).
5. The student submits the agreed form of the thesis to the lecturer and uploads the required documents in Primuss (ZIP file of the thesis and if applicable, the signed approval in case of a change of topic).
6. The Study Centre checks whether everything has been uploaded correctly.
7. The form for grading and the expert opinion on the final thesis must currently still be submitted by e-mail (Campus Cham:
If you have any questions regarding the content, please contact the responsible person at the Study Centre.
For technical questions, problems with the upload or similar, please contact Primuss Support:
You can find the requirements of the examination committee, a sample of the cover sheet of the thesis as well as the declaration for the submission of the thesis below:
Bachelor programmes: Civil and Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction Engineering
Master programme: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Specifications of the examination board
You can register and submit your thesis directly via the Primuss Portal.
Further details and the upload fields can be found in the Primuss portal at Registration/Submission of Thesis.
The procedure in a nutshell:
1. The student enters the registration in Primuss and generates the registration form as a pdf file.
2. The pdf file, signed by the student, must then be uploaded back to the portal.
3. The supervisor does not need to sign, he will receive an email and can confirm the registration digitally.
4. The student submits the agreed form of thesis to the lecturer and uploads the required documents to Primuss (zip file of the thesis and approved thesis topic).
5. The Centre for Studies ensures that all documents have been uploaded correctly and sets the thesis status to ‘submitted’ (please be patient here as well. If everything is in
order, the online submission date is recorded as submission date.)
For any content-related questions, please contact the person responsible at the Centre for Studies.
For any technical questions, problems regarding the upload or similar, please contact the Primuss support.
Specifications of the examination board (currently only available in German)
You can register and submit your thesis directly via the Primuss Portal.
Further details and the upload fields can be found in the Primuss portal at Registration/Submission of Thesis.
The procedure in a nutshell:
1. The student enters the registration in Primuss and generates the registration form as a pdf file.
2. The pdf file, signed by the student, must then be uploaded back to the portal.
3. The supervisor does not need to sign, he will receive an email and can confirm the registration digitally.
4. The student submits the agreed form of thesis to the lecturer and uploads the required documents to Primuss (zip file of the thesis and approved thesis topic).
5. The Centre for Studies ensures that all documents have been uploaded correctly and sets the thesis status to ‘submitted’ (please be patient here as well. If everything is in
order, the online submission date is recorded as submission date.)
For any content-related questions, please contact the person responsible at the Centre for Studies.
For any technical questions, problems regarding the upload or similar, please contact the Primuss support.
You can register and submit your thesis directly via the Primuss portal.
Further details and the upload fields can be found in the Primuss portal at Registration/Submission of Thesis.
The procedure in a nutshell:
1. The student enters the registration in Primuss and generates the registration form as a pdf file.
2. The pdf file, signed by the student, must then be uploaded back to the portal.
3. The supervisor does not need to sign, he will receive an email and can confirm the registration digitally.
4. The student submits the agreed form of thesis to the lecturer and uploads the required documents to Primuss (zip file of the thesis and approved thesis topic).
5. The Centre for Studies ensures that all documents have been uploaded correctly and sets the thesis status to ‘submitted’ (please be patient here as well. If everything is in order, the online submission date is recorded as submission date.)
For any content-related questions, please contact the person responsible at the Centre for Studies.
For any technical questions, problems regarding the upload or similar, please contact the Primuss support. (
Regulations for writing a thesis
You can register and submit your thesis directly via the Primuss portal.
Further details and the upload fields can be found in the Primuss portal at Registration/Submission of Thesis.
The procedure in a nutshell:
1. The student enters the registration in Primuss and generates the registration form as a pdf file.
2. The pdf file, signed by the student, must then be uploaded back to the portal.
3. The supervisor does not need to sign, he will receive an email and can confirm the registration digitally.
4. The Centre for Studies automatically reviews the registration and sets it to ‘approved’. (Please be patient - this step does not occur immediately after the upload. The registration date is adopted from the signed pdf.)
5. The student submits the agreed form of thesis to the lecturer and uploads the required documents to Primuss (zip file of the thesis and approved thesis topic).
6. The Centre for Studies ensures that all documents have been uploaded correctly and sets the thesis status to ‘submitted’ (please be patient here as well. If everything is in order, the online submission date is recorded as submission date.)
For any content-related questions, please contact the person responsible at the Centre for Studies:
For any technical questions, problems regarding the upload or similar, please contact the Primuss support. (
Engineering Physics,
Industrial Engineering,
Technology Management,
Applied Sports Science
1. Register in Primuss and generate the form as a PDF
2. Sign the form and upload it back to Primuss
3. Your thesis advisor must sign as well. He/she receives an email notification to digitally sign the registration document
4. Hand-in the thesis form with agreed topic to the lecturer/professor and upload the required documents to Primuss (ZIP file of the work and, if the topic changes, a signed approval)
5. Check if everything has been correctly uploaded and set to submit (please be patient, if everything is correct the submitted date will appear online)
Form for the evaluation of the colloquium for study programmes at Campus Cham (in German).
Further questions can be directed to your contact in the Centre for Studies.
If you have technical difficulties, contact
Applied AI for Digital Production Management (in Cham)
Mechatronics - Focus on Digital Production / Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production (in Cham)
Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems (in Cham)
Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production (in Cham)
Artificial Intelligence for Smart Sensors and Actuators (in Cham)
Studiengang: Gesundheitsinformatik
Studiengang: Physician Assistant
Studiengang: Management für Gesundheits- Sozial & Rettungswesen
Studiengang: Pflege
Studiengang: Pflege Dual
Studiengang: Physiotherapie Dual
The submission of the thesis must be discussed individually with the supervisor in advance. In principle, the following deadlines apply:
If you are an ECRI student and want to complete your Bachelor or Master thesis in the...
You can find the editing time of your Bachelor or Master thesis in the study and examination regulations of your study course. In order to have enough time for the processing, please deal with the possible topic of the Bachelor or Master thesis early enough (already in the pre-semester).
You can register and submit your thesis directly via the Primuss Portal.
You can find more information and the upload fields in the Primuss Portal under Registration/Submission of Thesis.
Short description of the process:
1. Students enter the registration in Primuss and generate the registration form as a PDF from it.
2. The PDF must be signed by the student and then uploaded back into the portal.
3. The examiners do not have to sign, they receive an email and can confirm the registration digitally.
4. The study centre automatically checks the registration and then sets it to "approved" (please be patient here, this step does not happen immediately after uploading. The registration date is taken from the signed PDF).
5. The student submits the agreed form of the thesis to the lecturer and uploads the required documents in Primuss (ZIP file of the thesis and if applicable, the signed approval in case of a change of topic).
6. The Study Centre checks whether everything has been uploaded correctly and sets the thesis to "received" (Please be patient here as well. If everything is correct, the submission date will be entered as the online submission date.)
If you have any questions regarding the content, please contact the responsible person at the Study Centre.
For technical questions, problems with the upload or similar, please contact Primuss Support:
Use is only permitted if it is a university publication with an official background. The logo may not be used for student work (e.g. for term papers or student research projects as well as Bachelor/Master theses) or publications by professors in the context of their secondary employment.
"Scientific Work" by Prof. Dr. Heesen
Hanser Verlag, ISBN-13: 978-3642033759
Here you will find your enrolment documents, which you have to upload in Primuss:
The following applications must be completed online and then printed out. The printed applications should be signed and handed in with the relevant documents to the relevant office.
Relevant applications can be found in the corresponding faculties:
Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen
Please follow the "Guideline for the Recognition" and send the "Annex" to the following e-mail address
International Management
Angewandte Volkswirtschaftslehre
Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie
Strategisches und Internationales Management
Please note that according to the General Examination Regulations of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (APO) in conjunction with the amendment statutes of 15 March 2015, recognition is only possible until the end of the lecture period of the semester in which the enrolment took place.
Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics
Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics - International
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Media Technology
Applied Research in Engineering Sciences
Maschinenbau (Bachelor):
Maschinenbau (Master):
Technisches Design
Applied Sports Science
Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences
Mechatronik und Projektmanagement für Digitale Produktion
Technische Physik
Study programmes in Cham:
Please follow the "Guideline for Recognition" and send the completed application form including all necessary attachments to the study centre:
Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production
Master Applied AI for Digital Production Management
Master Artificial Intelligence for Smart Sensors and Actuators
Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems
Außerklinische Akut- und Notfallversorgung
Management im Rettungswesen
Management von Inklusion und Teilhabe
Pflege primärqualifizierend
Physiotherapie dual mit Schwerpunkt Bewegungswissenschaften
General applications
Building Products and Processes
Health Informatics
Industrial Engineering/Maintenance and Operation
International Tourism Management/ Health & Medical Tourism
Please send your application form and attachments (see checklist) to:
Relevant applications can be found in the corresponding faculties:
Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen
Angewandte Informatik
Cyber Security
Interaktive Systeme/Internet of Things
Künstliche Intelligenz
Künstliche Intelligenz (Quereinstieg)
Angewandte Volkswirtschaftslehre
Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie
Strategisches- und Internationales Management
Elektro- und Informationstechnik
Applied Research
Maschinenbau (Bachelor):
Maschinenbau (Master):
Technisches Design
Mechatronik Dual Cham
Mechatronische und cyber-physische Systeme
Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production
Technische Physik
Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen der Fakultät AGW
Angewandte Sportwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Training und Gesundheit
Management im Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Rettungswesen
Physiotherapie dual mit Schwerpunkt Bewegungswissenschaften
Pflege Dual
Exam registration takes place via the Primuss portal of Deggendorf Institute of Technology.
If a subject is not listed in the Primuss portal, please contact your responsible administrator.
In exceptional cases (e.g. for a practical semester or semester abroad without access to the Primuss portal), examinations can also be registered via the exam registration form.
You will also be notified by the Study Centre by email about the deadline for checking exam registration.
Withdrawal from an examination is only possible in principle if the withdrawal is made within the specified period of notice of the examination procedure in the Primuss portal or in writing to the study centre.
In the case of course-related credits (e.g. AWP subjects) which take place before the examination period and for which registration is required, online or written cancellation must be made at least seven days before the respective credit.
If there is no effective withdrawal before the examination and the student has missed the examination for reasons for which he/she is responsible, the grade will be awarded incorrectly.
For the crediting of exam performances from home and abroad, an application form must be completed and submitted to the Student and Examination Office.
The exact exam times and any respective aids will be announced here at least 14 days before the beginning of the exam period. The schedules are currently being updated, so if an exam schedule does not correspond to the summer semester 2025 dates, it will be updated shortly. All schedules include exam no. that you will need for your exam registration.
IMPORTANT: Exam dates may change, so please check your exam schedule again shortly before the exam!
Bachelor exam schedules
Master exam schedules
Bachelor exam schedules
Master exam schedules
Bachelor exam schedules
Master exam schedules
Bachelor exam schedules
Master exam schedules
Faculty NUW in the SS 2023
Bachelor exam dates
Master exam dates
Berufsbegleitende Studiengänge-Prüfungstermine
Directions to lecture room in Veilchengasse 2
Bachelor exam schedules
Master exam schedules
Part-time studies
Bachelor exam schedules
Master exam schedules
All further education courses are taught in German.
Bachelor courses
Master courses
The practical semester at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology is carried out in companies and enterprises in Germany or abroad, e.g. in industrial and commercial enterprises, banks, insurance companies or public offices.
Further details (including the duration of the internship) can be found in the examination regulations of the University of Technology.
In addition to the usually 18 weeks of internship in a company, practical courses in the form of block courses are held at the university (PLV).
General Information on how to prepare the compulsory internship for bachelor students can be found in the checklist below:
Internship standard contracts:
Status and insurance during the internship:
Online internship administration
The online internship administration has been directly integrated into Primuss and can be accessed in Primuss via "My studies". All students who start their internship after the summer semester 2023 will use the internship administration in Primuss to record and manage their internship and PLV documents. All students who started the internship before the summer semester 2023 will continue to use the old online internship administration until they have successfully completed the last PLV seminars.
From now on, the PLV confirmation forms will only be uploaded to the internship administration in Primuss.
Internship guidelines (divided according to courses of study)
Link to the online internship administration
Civil Engineering (BIW):
Construction Engineering (BMA):
Environmental Engineering (UIW):
Link to the online internship administration
Applied Informatics (AI) and Interactive Systems (IAS):
Bioinformatics (BIN):
Business Informatics (WI):
Cyber Security (CY):
Artifical Intelligence (KI) (German):
Artificial Intelligence (AIN) (Language of instruction: English):
Software Design (SD) (German):
Link to the online internship administration
Business Administration (BWL):
International Management (IM):
Tourism Management (TM):
Applied Economics (VWL):
Organisational and Economic Psychology (WiPsy):
Link to the online internship administration
Internship coordinators:
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ET):
Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics (EM):
Media Technolgoy (MT):
Link zur Praktikumsverwaltung
Studiengang Maschinenbau(MB):
Studiengang Mechatronik und optische Technologien (MK):
Studiengang Technisches Design (TD):
A 6-week pre-study internship is a prerequisite for admission to the Bachelor's degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (but can be made up until the end of the 4th semester):
Link zur Praktikumsverwaltung
Studiengang Angewandte Sportwissenschaften
Studiengang Interdisziplinäre Ingenieurwissenschaften
Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIW):
Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production
Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production
General information about the internship semester:
Link to the online internship administration
Internship coordinators:
Health Informatics
Management in Health, Social and Rescue Services
Physiotherapy majoring in Kinesiology
Physician Assistant
Social Work
Mental Health
Link to the online internship administration
Building Products and Processes
Industrial Engineering/Maintenace and Operation (IE):
International Tourism Management/ Health & Medical Tourism
Health Informatics
Link to the online internship administration
Study programme Nursing Pedagogy
Study programme Pedagogy in Rescue Services
Study programme Business Information Systems
Internship contract
DIT's German internship contract can be filled out online, then printed outseveral times (usually 3 times, depending on the internship guidelines of your study course) to be signed by the faculty internship commissioner. After being signed, the first copy is to handed into the Centre for Studies (Studenten- und Prüfungsverwaltung), the second copy is for the internship company, and the third copy can be kept by the student.
General Information
Internship Management System
Student service fee during an internship semester: Please note that you must also enroll/register for an internship semester. The student service fee must still be transferred.
Find an internship:
Have a look at our DIT online job board to find current internship offers. If you need further support, please contact our Career Service Team via mail They will also help you prepare your application and check your CV and documents.
Organisational aspects of the internship semester:
If you have any organisational questions about the internship semester, please contact your faculty directly.
Internship abroad:
DIT provides contact addresses, application checks, grant applications, etc. Please contact Romy Geiger for detailed information or visit the following page: Internship abroad
1st PLV week Civil and Construction Engineering:
1st PLV week Construction Management:
1st PLV week 1st PLV week Environmental Engineering:
2nd PLV week Civil and Construction Engineering:
2nd PLV week Construction Management:
2nd PLV week Environmental Engineering:
PLV - Bachelor Artificial Intelligence:
Career Service PLV:
Career Service PLV:
PLV-Events Mechanical Engineering:
You can find all the important information on ilearn.
PLV-Events Mechatronics:
You can find all the important information on ilearn.
PLV-Events Technical Design
You can find all the important information on ilearn.
Register for the PLV weeks:
Frequently asked questions regarding the PLV weeks:
The internship semester lasts a total of 20 weeks, of which at least 18 weeks are spent at the company and two at the university PLV weeks.
You must have already earned at least 90 ECTS credits. The practical semester usually takes place in the 6th semester.
The PLV weeks take place during the semester break. (Period: mid February to 15 March and in September)
In Primuss you will find the internship administration and, as described in the overview there, upload the contract and register the internship semester.
One week before the beginning of the first PLV week. If you can't meet this deadline, please contact Albert Schreiner!
You will find company names in the showcase on the 2nd floor (next to office C 203). For semesters abroad you can find company addresses in iLearn under Career Service. Alternatively, you can use the company list in Primuss
We need an internship report, presentation and the internship certificate one week before the second PLV week.
Simply upload them in the Internship Management System o+n Primuss.
You may have a maximum of 5 days off during your internship in the company.
You are not allowed to have any days off during the PLV weeks.
Basically yes, unless the company gives you those days.
Please send an email to
The internship report should be at least 18 DIN A4 pages, an overview (contents, highlights, project overview) of your practical semester, no report booklet.
The presentation should last 10 to 15 minutes, 8 to 12 slides should be prepared in PowerPoint. Contents: Highlights of the internship, project introduction, presentation of the internship work, introduction of certain production methods, measuring procedures, software tools, etc.
Once you have received your internship certificate from the company, please upload it in the Internship Management System. It is important that you upload the internship report and the presentation on time.
Yes, you can take exams.
No exam registration is required for the practical semester/practical module.
The company has to release you for the PLV Week, but this week has to be made up at the company. We make an exception for semesters abroad, please contact Albert Schreiner if you cannot attend the PLV Week.
No, internship and PLV weeks must be completed in the same semester.
Only when you have successfully completed your first and second PLV week as well as your internship and have uploaded your documents completely, the credits will be added to your Primuss account!
An extension of the mandatory internship by the university is not possible.
Albert Schreiner will be happy to answer any further questions about the practical semester and PLV weeks.
Career Service PLV:
Campus Cham
Frequently asked questions regarding the PLV weeks:
Below you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers about the internship semester and PLV weeks. For further information, please contact Ms Adrienn Jaksch (Deggendorf campus) or the degree programme assistant ( (Cham campus).
The internship semester lasts a total of 20 weeks, of which at least 18 weeks are spent in the company and two PLV weeks.
You must have earned at least 90 ECTS credits. The internship semester takes place in the sixth semester. Exception: Bachelor of Mechatronics & Project Management for Digital Production at the Cham campus (the internship semester is in the fifth semester).
Deggendorf campus: The first PLV week consists of seven Career Service seminars.
Cham campus: The first PLV week takes place at the end of the fifth semester (mechatronics - specialising in digital production) or at the end of the fourth semester (mechatronics & project management for digital production).
The second PLV week takes place during the lecture-free period towards the end of September.
Deggendorf Campus: In Primuss you will find the internship administration and, as described in the overview there, upload the contract and register the internship semester.
Cham campus: In Primuss you will find the internship administration and, as described in the overview there, upload the contract and register the internship semester.
One week before the start of the PLV-1 week. If you are unable to meet this deadline, please contact Ms Adrienn Jaksch (Deggendorf campus) or the study programme assistant - (Cham campus) in good time!
Deggendorf campus: You can find company names in the display case on the 2nd floor of the C building. For semesters abroad, you can find company addresses in iLearn at the Career Service.
Cham campus: Please contact Ms Claudia Potter, who represents the Career Service at the Cham teaching location.
We require an internship report and the internship certificate one week before the second PLV week.
Simply upload digitally ον the Primuss portal.
You may have a maximum of five days of absence during your internship at the company. You are not allowed to miss any days during the PLV weeks.
Basically yes, unless the company gives you those days.
Change your password.
If this does not work, please contact us by e-mail at
The internship report should be at least 10 A4 pages long and provide an overview (content, highlights, project overview) of your internship semester. It should not be a report booklet.
As soon as you receive the internship certificate from the company, please upload it via the Primuss portal. It is important that you submit your internship report and presentation on time.
Yes, you can take exams.
Company must excuse you for the PLV week, but you must make up this week at the company. There are exceptions for semesters abroad. If you are unable to attend the PLV week for any reason, please contact Ms Adrienn Jaksch(Deggendorf campus) or the degree programme assistant - (Cham campus) in good time.
Deggendorf campus: The first PLV week, consisting of seven Career Service seminars, should be completed from the first semester onwards.
Cham campus: If you have been successfully exempted from the internship semester by the internship officer, you must still attend the PLV 1 week, as it is still part of the fifth or fourth semester.
You will only receive the status "passed" in the Primuss portal once you have successfully completed your two PLV weeks and your internship and uploaded your documents in full!
You will only receive your ECTS credits in Primuss once you have successfully completed your two PLV weeks and your internship, your documents have been uploaded in full and your documents meet our requirements!
You can find company addresses and important information about the semester abroad at: Going Abroad.
It is not possible for the university to extend the internship contract.
Ms Adrienn Jaksch (Deggendorf campus) or the degree programme assistant - (Cham campus) will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about the practical semester and PLV weeks.
Career Service PLV (1st PLV):
Information about 2nd PLV in
please find in iLearn.
Lecture periods, study free periods and exam periods:
Lecture period in the winter semester 2025/2026 1)
The winter semester begins on 1 October 2025 and ends on 14 March 2026.
Start of lectures
End of lectures
Lecture-free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Statutes on lecture times at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences of 01.01.2023.
2) No lectures of the higher semesters may take place on the first semester day.
Lecture period in the summer semester 2025 1)
The summer semester begins on 15 March 2025 and ends on 30 September 2025.
Start of lectures
End of lectures
Lecture-free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Statutes on lecture times at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences from 01.01.2023
Lecture period in the winter semester 2024/2025 1)
The winter semester begins on 1 October 2024 and ends on 14 March 2025.
Start of lectures
End of lectures
Lecture-free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Statutes on lecture times at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences of 01.01.2023.
2) No lectures of the higher semesters may take place on the first semester day.
Lecture period in the summer semester 2024 1)
The summer semester begins on 15 March 2024 and ends on 30 September 2024.
Start of lectures
End of lectures
Lecture-free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Statutes on lecture times at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences from 01.01 .2023
Lecture period in the winter semester 2023/2024 1)
The dates provided are subject to possible changes in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The winter semester starts on 1 October 2023 and ends on 14 March 2024.
Lecture period start
Lecture period end
Lecture free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Ordinance on the Lecture period at Universities of Applied Sciences in Bavaria of 10 October 1983 in the currently valid version.
2) Lectures of the higher semesters may not take place on the first semester day.
Lecture period in the summer semester 2023 1)
The dates provided are subject to possible changes in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The summer semester starts on 15 March 2023 and ends on 30 September 2023.
Lecture period start
Lecture period end
Lecture free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Ordinance on the Lecture period at Universities of Applied Sciences in Bavaria of 10 October 1983 in the currently valid version.
Lecture period in the winter semester 2022/2023 1)
The dates provided are subject to possible changes in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The winter semester begins on 1 October 2022 and ends on 14 March 2023.
Lecture period start
Lecture period end
Lecture free period
Recommended examination period
Semester break
1) Ordinance on the Lecture period at Universities of Applied Sciences in Bavaria of 10 October 1983 in the currently valid version.
2) Lectures of the higher semesters may not take place on the first semester day.
DIT charges the following fees and contributions:
For enrolment at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, the student union fee must be transferred to the account of the Staatsoberkasse Bayern within the period stated in the notification of admission. The payment is done through the Primuss portal directly and can be done via PayPal or Credit card. You can find a button for that in our online portal.
If students of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology want to continue their studies, they have to register (re-register) for further studies before the beginning of the next semester. According to Art. 48 Para. 1 of the Bavarian University Law in conjunction with § 10 of the Enrollment, Re-registration and Exmatriculation Statutes of the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences.
Payment will be switched to the e-payment procedure from 1 May 2022.
This means that you will be able to pay the student union fee directly from the Primuss Portal / My Studies using PayPal or a credit card (Visa or MasterCard).
Please also note the current Information about Re-Registration for the Summer Semester 2025. The tuition fee for the part-time study programmes will be charged separartely.
The renewal of your ID card (printed on the front of the chip card at the self-service terminal) as well as the printout of a confirmation of re-registration via the Primuss portal is possible, as soon as the deposit data have been transmitted by the State Higher Education Fund and have been entered in the database.
The certificate of enrolment for the coming semester is only available in the Primuss portal at the beginning of the semester. Please note that in the case of a double enrolment, the student union fee of €82 only has to be paid for one course of study.
Missed the re-registration period?
If you have missed the re-registration period within the designated time frame, please contact your respective clerk for further clarification of the procedure.
You can use this terminal to print out a new validity date, otherwise known as an expiry date, onto your student ID card. At the moment there are two different card types!
Identifiable by the seven digit ID number (e. g. "S 1234567). Insert your card as shown on the photo, with the front facing forwards.
Identifiable by the six digit ID number (e. g. "S 123456" or "123456"). Insert your card as shown on the above photo, with the back facing forwards.
For Students
For the university
Lost student ID card
Please apply for a new student ID card.
Student ID card doesn’t work
What exactly doesn’t work?
I would like to transfer credit or exchange my credit for cash
If you need any help please contact
No tuition fees will be charged except for part-time further education courses.
A semester of leave of absence means that students are in a semester off (6 months) but remain enrolled at the university.
Reasons for a leave of absence within the meaning of Art. 93 para. 2 BayHIG are in particular
Other reasons will only be recognised after strict examination of the individual case.
As a rule, economic circumstances cannot be recognised as an important reason.
Applications and instructions
To apply for a semester of leave of absence, please complete the application online in the Primuss Portal under "Applications and Messages" and submit it to the Study Centre.
Please note when applying for leave of absence:
1. a leave of absence in accordance with Art. 93 para. 2 BayHIG must be applied for in writing; the important reason must be proven.
2. the application for a leave of absence can be submitted from the date of re-registration until 15 October in the winter semester and until 31 March in the summer semester.
3. if the reason for leave of absence does not occur until after expiry of the deadline specified in section 2 without this being foreseeable, students may submit the application by 30 November in the winter semester and by 15 May in the summer semester. Reasons for leave of absence occurring later can no longer be considered.
Please also note:
If you are planning to take a semester off, you must re-register in any case. The student union fee must be transferred to the Staatsoberkasse Bayern.
Further information on the enrolment, re-registration and de-registration regulations.
You can complete this application online in the Primuss portal under "Applications and Messages" and submit it to the study centre.
Notes on de-registration
The de-registration certificate must be kept carefully and must be presented to the new university when changing universities.
You can apply for your student services fee (Studierendenwerksbeitrag) to be reimbursed if you are de-registered before the start of the following semester. Please apply for the refund through the Primuss Portal via "Forms and Messages" (Anträge und Nachrichten)
In case you don't have access anymore, please use the DIT form.
The application deadlines are:
If you de-register after the beginning of the following semester, on the first lecture day at the latest, reimbursement of the semester fees can only be processed via the Studierendenwerk (student union). To do this, the application must reach the student union within 14 days. Please submit the application together with your student ID to the Studierendenwerk.
The form and furthere information can be found here:
Your claim to student health insurance expires when your name is removed from the student register. From this point in time, you are responsible for your own health insurance. Please contact your local unemployement office in case of unemployment.
If you received Bafög, please inform your local office for educational grants as quickly as possible about your removal from the student register.
Keep this document in a secure place. Please show this to the Pension Scheme Authorities directly after taking up a position covered by pension scheme requirements.
Please return your university documents as well as library books (if you have not so already).
The copy shop and Studierendenwerk can pay out any leftover money on your account for the mensa and photocopies.
The smart card is yours to keep.
Please notify the child allowance money authorities as soon as you have finished your degree if your parents have been entitled to child allowance money.
Transferring to another University
Please contact the Centre for Studies and your relevant advisor if you have questions.
The DIT communication guide provides you with general communication guidelines. Whether it's a personal conversation, a phone call, WhatsApp advice or virtual events - the guide covers all areas. You are perfectly prepared with the guide to communicate successfully on campus, at work or with strangers.
All of the following documents are only available in German. Please contact your study representative if you have any further questions.
Statutes and regulations for all study degrees:
Basic regulations:
General examination regulations (APO=Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung):
Practical study semester:
Academic degrees:
Study and examination regulations:
Admission restrictions:
Selection process:
Aptitude test:
Tuition fees / Enrolement, Re-registration and De-registration Statutes: