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the desire to discover new things

will drive you to become an engineer for life

faculty mb-mk.

mechanical engineering and mechatronics

Why study mechanical engineering or mechatronics now? Now that you could study such progressive and exciting topics as "Industry 4.0", "System Design" and "Integrated Product Development"? Quite simply: because we want to train engineers for life. No matter whether you are studying mechanical engineering, mechatronics or technical design with us: You can be sure that you will have the three most important tools in the hands of the engineer: The desire to discover new things. The methodology to tackle and solve problems. Professional competence. In keeping with Aristotle's motto: "You can't change the wind, but set the sails anew", this tool will keep you on course in any short-term trend wind. Set the sails with us!

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Peter Fröhlich, Faculty Dean



The laboratories of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology offer the best technical equipment and the basis for an up-to-date and practical education. Modern technology according to industrial standards makes it possible to deepen the knowledge acquired in the lectures in all phases of the studies.


Currently, this content is available only in German. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

functions, positions & links


Vice Dean

Dean of Studies

Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts

Course Coordinators/Student advisory

Internship coordinators

Exam board


Exam and lecture schedule planning


Learning Agreement Representative

Learning agreement representative

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Hain

Faculty representative

Study Assistant

General Engineering





These are courses offered ina ddition to the curriculum (additional qualifications). A certificate is issued upon successful participation.

The course is limited to 16 participants. Since it is offered free of charge, the confirmation of participation is binding! If there are less than 5 participants, the course will not be offered.

Students can have the first PLV week credited when taking the CREO and CNC or CAM course.

If you are interested, please get in touch with Stefan Küblböck.

Course: CAD Course CREO
Date: 26 - 30 September 2022
Time period: 8 am - 4 pm
Room: C 2XX
Teacher: Stefan Küblböck


PTC CREO (formerly Pro/ENGINEER) is a parametric 3D CAD software.

Any interested student can download CREO for training purposes. For more information contact Stefan Küblböck.


  • SolidWorks CAD Software

SolidWorks is a 3D CAD programme.

Alle students and teachers of the Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronics at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology are entitled to use the "Student Design Kit" of SolidWorks on their private computers. The software can be downloaded directly from SolidWorks after registration.

You will receive the information necessary for the registration at SolidWorks (internet link and the school license ID) by e-mail.

Request access information.

Contact people:


General information:

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, PC workstations and CAD-capable workstations are available in sufficient numbers for students. The computer workstations are connected to the general services of the IT centre via a wired network and are freely accessible to the students.

In addition, further EDP workstations are available in various laboratories. The hardware and software of these EDP devices are adapted to the respective laboratory equipment and are partly operated as isolated solutions. In principle, the computer workstations of other faculties are also accessible to the students.

The EDP responsibility is divided into two areas: The supply of the basic services (user administration, file server, e-mail, backup) is ensured centrally by the IT centre. The faculties, on the other hand, provide application-related services for education and are responsible for the hardware and software equipment of the laboratories.

The tasks are coordinated in close cooperation between the IT centre and the respective faculty.


A unique e-mail address and an entry in the global address directory is created for each students. The e-mail inbox can be managed via any common e-mail client or via a web interface.

File storage

A personal network drive is available to students for storing their data. The size of the drive is limited and can be individually enlarged if necessary (e.g. for project work). A shared distribution drive with read-only access ensures the smooth distribution of larger data volumes such as lecture scripts.

Both drivers are automatically available at a PC workstation after the login process.

Nextcloud provides a web-based file storage for easy access form outside with a smartphone or notebook. 

Virtual learning platform

The open source product Moodle is available as a central virtual learning platform for the organisation of courses throughout the university. The availability of this service is ensured centrally by the IT centre.

Access for private notebooks

At the permanently installed PC workstations, there are also a sufficient number of easily accessible sockets to supply power to private notebooks.

Every students with a valid user account can independently register his or her private notebook for connection to WiFi. The WiFi is available almost everywhere at the entire university.

Secure access to the services of the IT centre (e-mail, data storage, moodle) is possible worldwide via the internet. 

Printing and copying

Every student can print out independently on all freely available printers throughout the university. The printing costs incurred are recorded and offset against the personal printing credit. At student terminals, the print credit can be viewed and, if necessary, upgraded.

For the printing of technical drawings, a faculty-owned large format plotter is also available in room C116.

A private service provider for copy and print jobs (Copyshops room C012), offers advanced printing options such as large print jobs or bound editions for bachelor theses. 

Server equipment at the faculty

The faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics provides application-related services for education. The server structures required for this are located in separate air-conditioned rooms of the faculty and are maintained by the faculty's IT personnel.

These are mainly license servers which are necessary for the operation of CAD applications and technical simulation programmes.

But also installations for student project work or the environment for the operation of the faculty's own large format plotters are included.

The individual servers run on KVM-based virtualisation technology.

Software Equipment

The faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics uses a wide variety of software products. For the basic supply (especially for the information services) the use of free and open standards is taken care of.

For the training-related applications (CAx, simulation, programming), the software products commonly used in industry are provided. Several different products are available, especially for CAD applications.

Training-related applications:


PTC Creo, SolidWorks, Tebis

Simulation and Calculation

MATLAB Simulink, Kisssoft, Festo FluidSim (Pneumatics/Hydraulics), Nastran/Patran, Ansys, Trysim (SPS), iTNC Heidenhain, B&R Automation-Studio, Kuka-Simulation


Private use:

For academic purposes, selected software products are available for installation on private devices, such as PTC Creop, SolidWorks.

The procedure for downloading and licensing is documented on the university's website.

Technical equipment in the lecture rooms

All lecture rooms are equipped with height-adjustable tables for lectures. The basic technical equipment of the rooms includes beamers, document cameras and audio equipment. 

Computer support for students

The supervision of students at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology is distributed over several pillars:

  • Help for self-help
    On the intranet, students can find current information on IT, FAQs and access to personal status queries.
  • IT support
    The IT support of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology is organised as the first point of contact for IT problems by means of a ticket system. Users can formulate their requests on a website. These are forwarded via the ticket system to the responsible staff in the IT centre or laboratory engineers directly to the faculty and answered via e-mail.
  • Staff at the faculty
    At the faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics two laboratory engineers are available for direct and fast help in case of computer problems. Student assistants are also regularly employed for general maintenance work.

Access restrictions, opening hours

The laboratories and their access routes are handicapped accessible. The individual floors can be reached by elevators.

The opening hours of the PC workstations are based on the general opening hours of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (see house rules).

The PC workstations are freely accessible outside of the lectures.




ASIIN Accreditation

The ASIIN e.V. is an independent non-profit association, which is committed to the recognition, comparability and quality control - also called accreditation - of Bachelor and Master programmes, both nationally and internationally. ASIIN e.V. is the only specialist accreditation agency in the field of engineering and natural sciences, computer sciences and mathematics and is one of the ten accredation agencies examined by the Accreditation Council.