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dit students

you are pioneerining and vibrant

work & study abroad.

widen your horizons & gain international experience


a study semester abroad

Studying abroad for one or two semesters is a great opportunity to stand out from your peers, improve your language skills, learn about different environments and cultures and make new friendships.

DIT has partner universities all over the world - here's an overview.

For inspiration, read reports from our students who have completed this exciting challenge.


These are your possibilities:


erasmus+ studies


Erasmus+ is a European scholarship programme, which supports, promotes and funds student mobility around Europe.
Through the Erasmus+ agreement, participating universities commit to:

  • Not charge any additional tuition fees
  • Support incoming students to find accommodation
  • Recognise exam results earned by students in the relevant degree course at their home university

Additional guidance can be viewed under Erasmus+ then Erasmus+ studies and in the International Office.


study abroad at a partner university


Application documents:

Apply using Mobility Online:
After you've registered, please upload all application documents (CV with photo, motivational letter with your reasons for application, enrolment certificate and your DIT-transcript). If you are in the 1st semester, your transcript can be submitted later, deadline is the end of February.

Application deadline:

The annual deadline is the 15th February for an exchange semester in the following academic year (winter and summer semester).

In mid March all applicants will be informed via e-mail at which partner university they've been accepted, and which further documents need to be handed in to the International Office in B 210 to secure their place.

After the nomination through the university: submit Learning Agreement (external and internal) together with the application documents for your host university to the International Office.

Learning agreement:


independent study abroad or applying through an agency


You are completely free to choose any university, even as a "free mover student", i.e. outside of existing university cooperations. The International Office will be happy to help and guide you.

Please register as a "free mover student" on Mobility Online, because even if you apply independently you can receive financial support through grants or scholarship programmes.

The following documents must always be submitted:


organisational tip

A semester abroad should be planned at least one year in advance. Join our info sessions and preparational events for studying abroad (event flyer)!

an internship abroad

The compulsory internship or a short internship during the semester break can be completed abroad. Both possibilites are explained in detail on iLearn. Please clarify regulations specified by the Administration Centre.


events to prepare you for an internship abroad


Events that take place every semester:

  • Five steps to an international internship
  • “Englische Bewerbungsunterlagen erstellen“ (writing an English CV) seminar

Organise a CV check for your English CV with Romy Geiger.




compulsory internships

Please clarify regulations specified by the Centre for Studies.


Worldwide internships:

After attending the introductory event, arrange a personal consultation to clarify individual enquiries and look on iLearn. Company vacancies can be found on the DIT online jobboard. Additionally, you can apply to the International Office for funding or scholarships.

European internships:

Students who intend to undertake a 60+ day internship in Europe or Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, or Turkey can apply for a scholarship via the International Office. Your internship salary or financial situation is NOT relevant! Please contact Romy Geiger in the International Office.

Student-to-student exchange can be viewed on the DAAD EU-community website.


short internship in the semester break


A short work experience is more about gaining intercultural competence and knowledge of the German language, so keep your mind open and also consider a voluntary job. You'll learn German fast if you work!


on returning to dit

Hand in or upload your Erasmus+ documents, if applicable. Write a summary about your experience in our Praktikumsverwaltung for other students' to read. Please tell us about your experience at National Days or International Week events.


read student reviews


Check out our university blog to see images and read reviews from student experiences during their internships abroad.


summer school

Apart from studying abroad or doing an internship abroad it is also possible to visit a summer school (usually 3-8 weeks) in a foreign country
The summer school programme more than often combines specialised courses, language courses and also information regarding the country itself and it's culture. There may be excursions, too. It does not substitute the semester abroad but is a great additional chance to go abroad.

View your weekly Karrierenewsletter to see current offers, under No.15  "Summer Schools / language courses".

funding a semester abroad

If you are an enrolled DIT student, there are several opportunities to partially finance your semester abroad through a scholarship. Read on to find out if you're eligible:


dit scholarships


The Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts supports advanced students with scholarships to drive the internationalisation of its higher education forward. Students must be attending their first bachelor or master degree course.

The benefits are granted as scholarships or as once-off study grants (for foreign students) or as an allowance for the additional living costs arising from the stay abroad (for German applicants). No allowances are granted for language courses abroad or for tuition fees charged by foreign universities. Collaboration and internships with universities in foreign countries are strongly encouraged. The extent of the support is determined individually and depends entirely on individual requirements. It is between 100 and 615 Euro per month. In cases of special hardship, once-off study grants are possible (minimum rate 250 Euro).

Eligible students:

  • Highly qualified foreign students enrolled at a Bavarian university
  • German students during a semester abroad within the framework of their studies at a Bavarian university.

University checks:

  • The financial requirements of the applicant (there is no requirement, if the applicants fulfil the preconditions in accordance with § 8 BAföG or have resources of more than 600 € per month)
  • Professional aptitude (successful and advanced professional study)
  • Possibly the expert opinion of a Bavarian university professor
  • Significance of the study project/stay abroad, duration (description of about one page)

There is no entitlement to support, as resources are available only to a limited number of recipiants each year.

The scholarship programme PROMOS promotes the overseas mobility of DIT-students studying abroad or completing an internship abroad with scholarships and/or transportation cost allowances for short term stays (up to 6 months).



The foundation supports DIT students during a study or internship semester abroad by a one-off allowance.

dit scholarship application procedure

As all the scholarship programmes outlined here are administered in the International Office, you only need to submit ONE application. Applications may be handed in to the International Office; there is no defined application deadline

Required documents:


other scholarships


This financial support programme is for German or international students who are fully-integrated and have their long-term perspectives in Germany (e.g. European citizens or students with long term residential visas). Grants are based on personal assets, wages earned and parental or partner income.




This initiative supportes exchange with countries in Central-, Southeast- and Eastern Europe and the CIS countries



Scholarships for internship semesters in non-German speaking countries around the world.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit will support you to find a placement, apply for scholarships, or get reimbursed for business trips.


  • Scholarships for a study semester in the USA including travelling costs
  • Apply to the international office or via the Fulbright Commission website

View the Deutsche Stiftungen website.


The Bavarian university centre for China (BAYCHINA)

BAYCHINA is a service facility for all public universities in Bavaria. On the one hand, it is aimed at students in Bavaria and China who are interested in or enrolled in a course of study abroad or in an exchange programme and have questions or suggestions regarding this. On the other hand, BayCHINA is an institution which fosters and promotes specific exchange between lecturers from both partnership institutions, collaboration in research and teaching in general, as well as contacts with Chinese institutions and scientists.

BayChina is the contact and the service centre for the university and research cooperation between China and Bavaria.

BayFrance (Franco-Bavarian University cooperation centre) is the contact and the service centre for the university and research cooperation between France and Bavaria.

Baylat aims to intensify cooperation in research and teaching with the universities in Eastern Europe. It awards a wide variety of grants to Bavarian students and university members of Eastern European universities.

BayHost is the Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. All details about scholarships programmes are on the website.

The Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation has been set-up in order to coordinate and promote the university cooperation between Bavaria and India.



Erasmus+ is a European scholarship programme, which supports, promotes and funds student mobility around Europe.

Students who join the Erasmus+ programme, study for at least 3 months or complete an internship for at least 2 months in another European country.

The programme guarantees that the period spent abroad is recognised by their home university on return, as long as they abide by the agreed conditions and terms. Through Erasmus+, students do not pay additional tuition fees to the host university.



The European Commissions' Student Charter highlights your rights and obligations and tells you what you can expect from your sending and receiving organisationsat each step of your Erasmus+ experience.


Erasmus+ is a European scholarship programme, which supports, promotes and funds student mobility around Europe. Through bilateral agreements, universities involved are committed to the following principles:

  • To waive tuition fees
  • To help and support students in finding local accommodation
  • To acknowledge achievements obtained in respective degree programmes

Beratung und Infos erhältst du im International Office.

Selection criteria and scholarship amount:

All enrolled DIT students can take part in this programme, their nationality is irrelevant. Participation is only possible with partner universities that have a valid Erasmus + contract in place with DIT.

Country classifications and funding level:

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

New: Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands

600 Euro / 30 Tage

Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Spain

New: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye, Hungary

540 Euro / 30 Tage





Equal and fair access to Erasmus+ are key priorities in the new generation of the programme. Certain target groups can therefore receive a monthly top-up of €250 on top of the standard Erasmus+ rates. In the academic year 2022/23, this applies to first-generation academics, working students, students with disabilities, students with chronic illnesses and students with children. More detailed information on the funding guidelines can be obtained from the International Office.

In addition, sustainability and environmentally-friendly behaviour are to be rewarded: Students who use low-emission transport to travel to their host country can receive two additional Erasmus+ funded travel days.

The UK is no longer part of the Eramus+ programme due to the Brexit.

Duration of funding:

When students stay abroad for one semester, they are funded for 120 days. When they stay for two semesters, they are funded for 240 days.

It is possible to receive up to 12 months of Erasmus+ funding (studying and/or internships) per study cycle. A renewed funding for the master level is possible.

Application documents

Apply by following this link. After registration, applicants receive an email containing a link and login details. The applicant then must follow the link and enter a password, before entering further details and uploading the following application documents:

  • CV
  • Transcript of Records
  • Photo
  • Letter of motivation
  • Enrolment certificate

Application deadline

The annual application deadline is 15.02. to participate in the programme either in the winter semester or the summer semester of the following academic year. Around mid to the end of March, all applicants receive an email in Mobility Online, notifying them of their accepted place at a partner university and also of any other information or documents required. All further organizational matters can be viewed in Mobility Online.

Required documents for Erasmus+ study:

Selection criteria

  • A complete and puntual application
  • Vacant study places must be available in the host university
  • Applicant must be suitablefor the host university and the degree
  • Acceptable grades and language competence (good knowledge of lecture language and basic knowledge of local language)
  • Appropriate motivation and voluntary work
  • Subordinated consideration: return-to-home country students (foreign students who are looking for Erasmus+ Studies in their home countries)

On return

  • Submit an online Erfahrungsbericht (a report of your experience) in Mobility Online for the benefit of other students aiming to possibly do the same thing!
  • Hand in the original Erasmus letter of confirmation to the International Office.



If you are completing an internship in an EU country or in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Türkiye that is 60 days or longer, you are eligible to apply for a scholarship. Your personal financial situation is irrelevant and is not taken into consideration!

  • For detailed advice and to look into the internship database, contact Ms Romy Geiger in B207.
  • For information about the Erasmus+ Scholarship programme, contact Ms Romy Geiger in B207.
  • The application documents for financial support must be submitted to the International Office.

Eligibility requirements:

  • You must be DIT student
  • Internship of at least 2 months’ duration (60 days) in an Erasmus+ country
  • DIT graduates can also receive funding if they apply while still enrolled
  • Internships in EU institutions and organisations, national diplomatic authorities, or organisations which manage EU programmes are not eligible

Advantages of participating in the Erasmus+ internship programme: :

  • Students receive a EU internship contract between the university, the company and the student
  • Students receive academic recognition of the internship
  • Students receive support during the internship through a contact person at both the home university and in the company
  • Students receive funding to cover the extra costs of living abroad
  • Students receive cultural, language, organisational support in preparation for the internship
  • Students with disabilities receive special funding

Country classification and funding groups:

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

New: Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands

750 Euro / 30 Tage

Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Spain

New: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye, Hungary

690 Euro / 30 Tage






Your salary is not taken into consideration, the duration of Erasmus+ funding depends on the available funds. Compulsary internships are treated preferentially.

1 month = 30 days, min. stay = 60 days. No consideration of internship fees.

Equal and fair access to Erasmus+ are key priorities in the new generation of the programme. Certain target groups can therefore receive a monthly top-up of €250 on top of the standard Erasmus+ rates. In the academic year 2022/23, this applies to first-generation academics, working students, students with disabilities, students with chronic illnesses and students with children. More detailed information on the funding guidelines can be obtained from the International Office.

In addition, sustainability and environmentally-friendly behaviour are to be rewarded: Students who use low-emission transport to travel to their host country can receive two additional Erasmus+ funded travel days.

The UK is no longer part of the Eramus+ programme due to the Brexit.

Selection criteria

  • Completed application documents
  • Recognised internship (funding for volunteer internships as well, if they are relevant to the programme of study)
  • Average grades and language skills (good command of the working language, basic knowledge of the local language)
  • Motivation for an internship abroad

Application documents

You can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship for your internship via Mobility Online.

There you can upload the required application documents:

  • your CV with photo,
  • Transcript of Records
  • a cover letter,
  • certificate of enrolment,
  • internship contract (can be handed in later)


Scholarship Approval

After the scholarship approval, following documents need to be handed in:


At the end of your Erasmus+ internship, there are a couple of organisational steps to complete. Please find an overview in our Erasmus+ checklist.



Compulsory language test for Erasmus+ students and interns

The European Commission has provided an online language test for EN, ES, FR, IT, NL. For ALL students / interns, this must be completed in the working language / language of instruction both before the start of mobility and after the end of the stay. However, it is not a selection criterion for funding in the Erasmus+ program and does not apply to native speakers. Once the participants to be funded in Erasmus+ have been selected, the implementation of the language test should serve as a placement test to document their current language level.

Erasmus+ students or interns can be licensed by the home university for a free online language course. The International Office issues licenses after checking the documents and language skills. In addition, language courses subject to a fee can be subsidized BEFORE starting your studies or internship abroad. Funding is only possible if sufficient financial resources are available.

English courses are not funded, only in exceptional cases. If you are interested, please contact the International Office



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. DIT web administrators are solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information.


More details and support can be viewed at :

Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst
Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit        
Kennedyallee 50        
53115 Bonn   
Tel.: +49(0)228/882-8877      
Fax: +49(0)228/882-555        
E-Mail: erasmusdaad.de    
Homepage: www.eu.daad.de

special circumstances during erasmus+ trip

For people with disabilities

Useful information on universities for disabled people from the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education: www.european-agency.org.

Students with children

Students who take their child (s) with them to a Erasmus + study visit to a programme country and are single parents there during Erasmus + mobility can receive a special grant as a lump sum. The maximum monthly funding amount is specified by three country groups.

Partner universities


preparing to go abroad

You want to widen your horizons and go on an internship or study semester abroad, but are unsure  of what steps to take?
Download the "how to apply for a semester abroad" fact sheet to see exactly how to organize your work or study adventure away from home.


How do I apply for an ISIC?

Directly on the www.isic.de website. Follow the  "get your card" link.



The library has many useful books all about working or studying abroad, to be found on the inbetween floor between the 1st and 2nd floors.


Please speak to your own insurance company, as the following enquiries need to be answered:

  • Is my present insurance valid in my chosen country for my semester abroad?
  • Is an additional insurance recommended to cover all aspects of travelling abroad?

After you've consulted your insurance company, you can decide whether additional private accident and liability insurance is required.

transfer of credits

The recognition of subjects and the conversion of grades for academic achievements abroad are important and can be easily arranged using the forms below. If you have any questions, you can always contact the people mentioned below! According to the framework examination regulations (§17 Abs. 3), examination achievements from abroad that have already been completed at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) (including failed attempts) cannot be recognised.

Contact people for all courses of study:

Necessary forms:


people of contact for the individual study programmes

Management in Health, Social and Rescue Services

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiß
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 


Physician Assistant


Physiotherapy Majoring in Kinesiology (cooperative studies)

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Stephanie Hecht
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 



Applied Computer Science

  • International representative: Prof. Rui Li
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies  


Artificial Intelligence

  • International representative:  Prof. Rui Li
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies


Cyber Security

  • International representative:  Prof. Rui Li
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies

Business Informatics

  • International representative: Prof. Rui Li
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies


Applied Economics

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Marcus Dittrich
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Organisational and Economic Psychology

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Marcus Dittrich
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 


Business Administration

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


International Management


Strategic and International Management


Tourism Management

Civil and Construction Engineering

  • International representative:  Prof. Parviz Sadegh-Azar
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 


Construction Management


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Digital Health

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Georgi Chaltikyan
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Health Informatics

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Thomas Spittler
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Healthy and Sustainable Buildings

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Michael Laar
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 


Industrial Engineering

  • International representative: Ibrahim Bader
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


International Tourism Management / Health and Medical Tourism

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Marcus Herntrei
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 

Applied Research in Engineering Sciences


Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics

  • International representative:  Prof. Nikolaus Müller
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 


Electrical Engineering and Information Technology


Media Technology (Bachelor)

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Jörg Maxzin
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Media Technology (Master)

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Susanne Krebs
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 

Mechanical Engineering



  • International representative: tba
  • Recognition of other courses: professors of the course of studies 


Mechatronical und Cyber-Physische Systems (in Deggendorf)

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherbarth
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Technical Design


Applied Sports Science

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Jens Martin
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Applied Sports Science with Focus on Interprofessional Care in Sports


Artificial Intelligence for Smart Sensors and Actuators

  • International representative:  Prof. Dr. Tobias Schaffer
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Interdiciplinary Engineering Sciences

  • International representative: Prof. Dr. Christian Wilisch
  • Recognition of all courses: consultation only with the international representative 


Mechatronics and Project Management for Digital Production


Technology Management


Industrial Engineering



Fill in the External Learning Agreement or ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement and the Internal Learning Agreement and have them signed by the respective lecturers and the international representative. Take detailed course descriptions with you and make an appointment in advance.

Students of Business Administration, International Management and Applied Economics only need to make an appointment with the international representative.

Submit these Learning Agreements to the International Office (B 210). The External Learning Agreement is often required very early (depending on the deadline of the partner university), the Internal Learning Agreement only needs to be submitted to the International Office BEFORE departure (no fixed deadline).



Record course changes in the external Learning Agreement or ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement "Changes/Changes" as well as internal Learning Agreement.

Clarify information about course changes in advance with the responsible professor/expatriate by e-mail and send a copy to the International Office.

Fill in the area "Änderungen/Changes" in the Learning Agreement (external and internal) and send the Learning Agreement including course descriptions to the International Office (e-mail). The International Office will forward the Learning Agreement.

Course changes should be communicated to the International Office and the International Officer within four weeks and all changes should be recorded in the Learning Agreement (external and internal).


The Centre for Studies will carry out the grade conversion as soon as the certificate from the partner university is available. Unless the examination board has decided otherwise, the table recommended by the examination board (see above) is used for grade conversion. Intermediate grades are interpolated linearly.

Recognised achievements are recorded in the grading sheet if they are module grades; for submodule achievements, a transcript of records is issued by the Centre for Studies.


DIT students who completed a stay abroad during their studies have summarised their experiences in a report to give others an insight into their stay abroad. Use the experience reports of other students to get an idea of what a stay abroad can look like.
