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meet Celso 

from Brazil

Celso from Brazil

embracing diversity, celebrating unity



Name: Celso

Country: Brazil

Position: Research Assistant (DIT alumnus)


How do you say 'hello' in your native language: Olá

What do you miss about your home country? The ocean and my friends

What do you like about living in Pfarrkirchen? The cleanliness and proximity to nature

What do you like most about DIT? The professionalism and politeness of professors and staff






Celso's Academic journey: from Master's student to lecturer

Initially Celso was looking for an international Master in tourism with focus on management. That´s how he found the ECRI in Pfarrkirchen. The region attracted him and he fell in love with the surroundings and the people here. He finds them very gentle, supportive and friendly. Celso likes that Pfarrkirchen is cleaner, calmer and more organized than his hometown. At times he misses the Atlantic Ocean and his friends, though.

What Celso likes most about the ECRI is the team and how helpful and professional they are. He also values the high standard of learning at the faculty. One of the reasons why he came here and stayed was the high quality of education in Germany. After completing his Master´s degree at the ECRI, he joined the team to pursue his PhD and is now involved in teaching at the campus. Celso is enthusiastic about education and aims to become a professor. If he were offered a permanent position here, he would love to stay since he not only loves the nature but considers Germany his home now.

Meet Celso

from Brazil