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meet Sherif 

from Egypt

Sherif from Egypt

embracing diversity, celebrating unity



Name: Sherif

Country: Egypt

Study programme: Graduated in Healthy and Sustainable Buildings 


How do you say 'hello' in your native language:  هلا (Hla)

What do you miss about your home country? Turkish coffee

What do you like most about DIT? The quality of the study programme








Building a greener tomorrow in Pfarrkirchen

Sherif moved from Egypt to Pfarrkirchen to pursue his Master´s degree in Healthy and Sustainable Buildings. He had been looking for this particular study programme and found a great match at the ECRI.

Eco-friendly behaviour, such as low energy consumption, is important to him. This was one of the main reasons for choosing this specific field of study. He is convinced that it is important to take the future of our planet seriously. Therefore, he would like to work for a company specialised in environmentalism and sustainability after graduation.

Even though he misses his family and friends back home, he stayed in Pfarrkirchen after graduating, where he works as a planning and civil engineer. Here, he has made new friends and learned Bavarian phrases such as “Grüß Gott”.

He is also fond of nature, which is one of the first images that com to his mind when asked about where he is living. Maybe he will manage to introduce Turkish coffee to the people in Pfarrkirchen, as this is what he misses most.

Meet Sherif

from Egypt