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to Bavaria's most international University of Applied Sciences


Choose Modules from different study programmes

DIT offers a modular course of study to impart current and practice-oriented knowledge at university level. Students who are interested in further education and prospective students can choose selected modules (individual courses or courses combined to a module) of in the fields of:

  • Civil & environment
  • Economy
  • Technology
  • Health & social
  • Computer Science
  • Design and media

to improve their personal qualifications or further develop their career and conclude with an examination at the end. From the regular range of courses offered by DIT, modules of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes, which are not admission restricted, can be taken upon application.

You can find our fields of study in our overview

If you would like to test out of several courses before starting a regular course to find out which course suits you the best, you can participate in our Orientation Studies.

Furthermore, DIT's Further Education Centre offers not only full-time but also numerous part-time courses of study and certificate courses as an opportunity for further qualification. A wide range of courses and modules can be taken from this offer. The crediting of completed modules towards a later full or part-time study is possible. We would like to point out that since the abolition of tuition fees, fees have to be paid for courses offered by the Weiterbildungszentrum.

You are welcome to contact our Student Recruitment for further information.

After successful completion of a module, the module student receives a certificate with grade and the ECTS points achieved. Modules of up to 30 ECTS points can be completed in one semester.

The modules are designed in such a way that they can be taken and completed either in one or in two consecutive semesters. A module can also be spread over several courses (lectures, exercises) on different days of the week.

Modules are offered either as regular attendance courses, partly also as evening or weekend courses, or as e-learning modules, so that you can organise your learning phases as individually as possible - besides work and family - and at the same time expand your professional network. The timetables for the respective semester will be announced shortly before the start of the semester.

Every enrolled student has access to the e-learning courses of the Virtual University of Bavaria.

Module students are provided with a changing offer of (intensive) language courses every semester. Language courses can only be taken in connection with a regular course.

Like all students, module students are registered as students for the respective semester and must re-register if they wish to take further modules in the next semester.

  •    Important detailed information can be found in the module order.

Prospective students

    On study orientation: Intensive "taster" of a study programme



  • Professionals who wish to acquire career-related knowledge at university level
  • Persons willing to undergo further training who would like to try out a course of study for themselves before applying for a (part-time) course of study (Bachelor or Master), for example
  • People interested in re-entering the job market or people who are preparing a professional reorientation after a break
  • Qualification of engineers from abroad (for recognition of educational qualifications)

Statements on the module study

"I am Dirk and I am 45 years old. After graduating from school I wanted to earn money and I did an apprenticeship as an electrical engineer. After ten years in the profession, I attended the technical school and successfully completed it. Now, in order to advance professionally, I would like to gain further qualifications and acquire career-relevant knowledge. First, I will attend two selected courses for one semester. Only after that I will decide to study part-time. Fortunately, my boss will support me in my plans."

"I am Katharina, 34 years old and come from Russia. After my high school graduation I came to Germany to study business administration, but then life intervened and I am a proud mother of two daughters. Now that both children are out of the woods, I have decided to take up my studies again. I will start "Business Management" for one semester as part of the modular study program and after that I will have the opportunity to finish my studies while working."


  • People who pursue the concept of lifelong learning

Statements on the module study

"I am Klaus and I'm 67 years old. I retired a year ago. According to the motto "if you rest you rust" I have decided to go back to school. It's fun to continue my education together with young people."

The following qualification and access requirements must be met in order to enrol:

  •     General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification or a certificate recognised as equivalent
  •     University access for master craftsmen and professionally qualified persons

For modules from a Master's programme, proof of basic access to a Master's programme must be provided (Art. 43 para. 9 QualV).

The application is made online. After filling out your personal details in the Primuss Portal, you have to fill out the application for the module course form and e-mail it to bewerbung@th-deg.de. After checking your module requests, you will receive a message and, if applicable, a rejection or admission notice with the approved modules.

  • Application for the summer semester is possible between 01 October and 15 January
  • Application for the winter semester is possible between 15 April and 15 July


The current student union fee per semester must be paid. If you choose courses from the offer of our continuing education centre, higher fees will be charged. After you have applied online, you will receive more detailed information about the fees to be paid.



For further information please conact: