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Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Pioneering & Vibrant

Programming in Python for Beginners.

Centre for Academic Further Education

This certificate is only offered in German!

Important Notice due to the CoVid-19 Pandemic

Due to the current situation the course will be offered only virtually during October.

The "0 AND 1" for Programming Beginners

People who can program are needed. Whether in the field of Industry 4.0, transformation, automation - everywhere there is a growing need for the use of computers, networked working and new forms of non-locational activities. And this means changes in hardware and software, new operating systems and new software solutions are being developed - this is where programming skills are needed. And once you have acquired the basic knowledge of programming, you can transfer it to other programming languages.

According to current studies, the job market for programmers is booming and companies are looking for specialists. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Accordingly, these specialists are in great demand.

To give interested people the opportunity to qualify in this field, the Centre for Academic Further Education at DIT offers the university certificate course Programming in Python.

Course Details



Course structure and contents:

In advance:

A video instruction for the installation of the required software will be provided in time before the course starts. The software installation should be completed before the start of the course. Questions can be asked and solved in the forum before the first training session.

  • Installation of Anaconda for Mac and Windows
  • How the IDE Jupyter notebooks work


Training on MS Teams

Interactive knowledge transfer of the course content. The teacing materials are already available for download in the forum before the first training session.

  • First steps with Python: Print, using Python as a calculator in a session, variables, write comments / comment our code
  • Data types: Strings, integer, float, boolean, conversion between data types
  • Operators: Selection / Slicing, comparison operators, arithmetic operators
  • Error handling: Interpretation of error messages, error message handling > Using Google and stackoverflow, Python documentation
  • Data structures: Lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, check data structure, conversion between data structures
  • Practical application: TBC

1 a) Programming exercises at home

  • Practising the handling and conversion of different data types
  • Practising the handling and conversion of different data structures
  • Tasks for using operators


Q&A session - via MS Teams (optional)

In the Q&A sessions the solutions to the programming exercises are discussed. The sessions do not deal with new teaching material. They only serve as repetition and to clarify questions.

Training session on MS Teams

  • Conrol flow: If-then conditions (if-else), in-Operator & not-Operator, for loops, while loops, termination criteria break and continue
  • Practical application: Joint programming of a small practical application, e.g. programming a BMI calculator
  • Functions: Use functions, write your own functions
  • Practical application: Joint programming of a small practical application, exercise in writing and using functions

2 a) Programming exercises at home

  • Tasks for programming control structures
  • Tasks for programming for and while loops
  • Programming a simple game in Python
  • Tasks to functions

Target Group

  • Interested people without previous professional or academic training who wish to gain initial experience in programming. But also people who want to extend their programming skills with Python or want to acquire new knowledge.
  • Everybody, especially beginners in programming can participate! Basic knowledge in programming is not required.

After a complete registration there will be an introduction video about programming with Python. With the help of this material the optimal introduction to the first lecture is prepared.


Organisational Matters

Innovative learning concept:

Our learning format combines interactive video meetings, self-study components and Q&A platforms, virtually on our learning management system iLearn or live in video chat. Your direct contact with the lecturer and the other participants is important to us!

Next courss: 3 – 27 March 2021

Course language: German

Time concept:

  • High flexibility in time and place for extra-occupational learning by combining virtual events and self-study units
  • Three online evening appointments and flexible self-learning times for programming exercises are oriented towards the needs of full-time employees.
  • The virtual training sessions take place on Wednesday evenings via video conference, approx. 2-3 hours
    In advance there is a Q&A session with the instruction for your personal questions. This guarantees individual support.
  • For the programming exercises you should plan approx. 1-2h per week.
  • Already before the first training you have access to the installation of the programmes. An installation video of the Q&A forum will answer your questions.
  • To discuss the solutions to the programming exercises use the iLearn platform - learn with and from the other course participants - supported by the competence of the lexturer.

Venue: Due to the CoVid-19 situation, all events are held online.

Certificate: You have the choice:

  • Short online examination on the last day of training
    By passing the exam you will receive the university certificate "Programming in Python - Beginners' Course".


  • You will receive a certificate of attendance "Programming in Python - Beginners' Course" if you do not wish to take an exame


Benefit from our introductory prices:

  • Regular: € 599 total price
  • Special price for part or full-time students of all colleges and universities: € 199

The course fee is free of VAT.

Further information:

We will, of course, send you information material free of charge. Please fill out the linked form.


Our Services - Your Benefits

  • All topics covered in the university certificate are implemented using the Python programming language and practised using practical examples
  • Use the high-quality university certificate as a springboard for your career.
  • The university certficate entitles you to take part in further training certificates such as "Descriptive Data Analysis" or "Machine Learning".
  • Benefit from Sarah Stemmler's profound knowledge in the field of programming.
  • The combination of web conferences and self-study units, conveniently from home: This allows the greatest possible flexibility to optimally integrate further training into everyday life.
  • The course is characterised by a close interlocking of theory and practice.
  • Through numerous case studies, you will learn to independently apply the procedures covered in the course.
  • A special highlight are consultation hours. There, Sarah Stemmler deals intensively with your personal questions.


We accept applications for the university certificate course via our application portal.

If you have any questions about the part-time university certificate programme, please contact Jana Herbst.

  • The number of participants is limited to 20 people.
  • A maximum of 12 students per course can participate.
