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CHE ranking

DIT in the lead in business studies programmes

19.5.2023 | DIT Public Relations

In the recently completed renowned CHE ranking by ZEIT for degree programmes in the field of economics, students voted the degree programmes in Business Administration, International Management, Tourism Management, Business Psychology, Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) into the top group.

"The survey result shows the high quality of teaching at DIT and the satisfaction of the students with our range of courses. Especially in the current application phase, this is a strong signal for all prospective students to apply at DIT. DIT would like to thank the participating students for their positive vote and their good participation in studies and teaching." So says the Vice-President for Studies and Teaching and future DIT President, Prof. Waldemar Berg.

The CHE ranking surveys students from various fields of study every year. This year these were study programmes in economics and related fields such as business informatics and industrial engineering. Other degree programmes were examined in previous years. To land in the top group again this year with 6 examined study programmes shows the success of the constant efforts to improve the quality of studies and teaching. Since 2020, the DIT quality management has been awarded the seal of the Accreditation Council within the framework of a system accreditation.

All of DIT's degree programmes and detailed information on the DIT's degree programmes under review can be found at: https://studiengaenge.zeit.de/studienangebote?suche=Deggendorf.

Bild (DIT): In the current CHE ranking, DIT did particularly well with students in the field of economics.