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  • Siegfried Rödel
  • Frantisek Kobzik
  • Markus Peterhansl
  • Rainer Pöschl
  • Stefan Kunze

5G Stand-Alone Test Bed for Craft Businesses and Small or Medium-Sized Enterprises.

In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems) pg. 131-141

Springer Nature Singapore Singapore

  • (2023)

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-3243-6_11

The switch from 4G to 5G mobile communication leads to a significant increase in opportunities for businesses. 5G not only offers a wider bandwidth connection, but also forms the basis for new applications, business models and products. Thus, it is important for companies to take 5G into account in their developments as soon as possible. In this paper, the concept and implementation of a 5G stand-alone test bed and some exemplary use cases relevant for small businesses are presented. The test bed will serve as basis for developing and showcasing customized 5G applications. In combination with other education and training offers, this test bed will provide valuable knowledge transfer to small businesses and help them with the integration of 5G.
  • Frantisek Kobzik

Prototypical Design and Implementation of a 5G Torque Wrench.

In: Proceedings of the Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0/5.0 (ARCI' 2024): 4th IFSA Winter Conference. pg. 166-169

  • (2024)
  • Frantisek Kobzik

Prototypical Design and Implementation of a 5G Torque Wrench.

In: 4th IFSA Winter Conference. Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0/5.0 (ARCI' 2024)

Innsbruck, Austria

  • 07.-09.02.2024 (2024)